Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 has been amazing to say the least. We started off with an hour bus ride into a village...We rode around small roads until all of a sudden the bus stopped and we all looked at each other and said "I guess this is where we are getting off"
We walked a few blocks down to the feeding center...To say the least it was disgusting. There were no table or chairs, there was a dirt floor where some of the guys tried to teach the boys how to play baseball. Josh and I brought our saying of "HIGH FIVE FOR JESUS" to Guatemala. Mike Parker said that some of the walls needed a little brightening up, so Josh and I grabbed the paint and went to work. We painted a huge hand on the wall, and realized that High Five for Jesus doesn't translate exactly, so we had to write Give me five for Jesus. It was lots of fun, and at the end, we put both of our hand prints on it, and signed and dated it.
After I got to love on some cute kids, paint little girls fingernails, and watch these amazingly strong women carry their babies around while they prepared food for all of these children. I think we had around 38 children today, and the medical clinic had a constant line of people waiting.
Then we took a 10 minute bus ride to a park, with all of the children and started bible school. It brought a tear to my eye watching the children sing, and praise!!! No matter where we are, God is there, and God is good!!! We danced and sang with these sweet babies, then the guys took all the boys to play soccer. They got their booty whooped to say the least. I got to stay with the little girls, make necklaces, give our plastic rings, and took lots of pictures. I have found a little girl that I already want to bring home. I am fighting Bobby Watson for her...She is 3 and from what I understand her to say, her name is Amalee...When she says it, it almost sounds like she is saying Emily....I think that means I am the winner of the battle....Josh and I walked back with her from bible school back to the bus and she walked between us, holding both of our hands...We counted uno, dos, tres...and swung her in the air...she giggled and hearing her giggle won my heart....I can't wait to see her beautiful smiling face tomorrow.
We are back at the house, and getting ready to dive into a good ole fashion hamburger made by Susie Watson...Then at some point, a shower would be awesome, and I would love to walk out of our house in the front area, and walk the "neighborhood". This is the first evening we have seen daylight during the evening. Oh it gets dark here by 6:45pm, which is weird, but its daylight by 6:00AM.
Our group continues to bond and there is a family like togetherness. I don't feel we have come as close to the other group as I had originally thought, but its still early in the trip. I have only seen a few personality conflicts...but emotions are high, and the devil is on us...but we are armed...with super duper water guns...
WOW...we just had an earthquake...Its 6:20pm currently....kinda a weird thought, since our house sits on the edge of a cliff...We will be fine....Dinner is ready...and others want the computer...
Keep praying for our team and the hearts of Guatemala.

1 comment:

  1. ;) ... big love to you girl !!!! tell Joshie I said Hi and I love him ... and you too sweets !!!!
    Aunt Lori
