Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Change in the making

So I thought I was just going to keep this blog during my recent trip to Guatemala, for my family, friends, and church family to keep up with what was going on with us while we were out of the country. I have recently been replaying words in my head that many told me prior to going on this mission trip....."mission trips change your life forever". That means Guatemala has changed my life forever, which means Guatemala is always a part of me, and if Guatemala is a part of me.....and I am a part of Guatemala, then the blog doesn't end when the plane touched down...because the memories and the changes or feelings didn't end when the plane touched US soil. In fact, that is the very time that everything really sinks in, and tears really fall, and your heart really aches.....And all of that has been true for me, however what someone didn't spell out for me was...."mission trips make you under attack by the devil even more". Preacher Sean, and his wife Michelle have been like second parents to me....I do stupid stuff, I cry to momma Michelle and daddy Sean and all this conviction hits me and they give me tough love, pray, love on me, and encourage me to keep fighting...They have warned me that every time I step out for God, that the devil will try and attack. I know this, because I have heard it, I have even told others that is why the devil is attacking them....But when the devil starts hitting and throwing one punch after punch after punch....That is when weak little Emily says OK...OK win...I will back down, I will quit reaching out, quit serving him, and definitely don't invite anyone to church GHEEZZZ wanna get the devil on you.....INVITE SOMEONE TO CHURCH.....and when they bring their family....AGAIN...don't even think you will make it out of the parking lot without wanting to run over the old lady taking her time crossing in front of you, yell at the children in the backseat, or sending a hateful text message just because you can....and by 4:30 Sunday afternoon, you are looking for any excuse to not go back to church that night....scrub toilets, give your child a laxative (sorry...pooping kid...can't come), or heck blow the house up....
So little thing of reaching out for God, causes the devil to whisper one little tiny phase and the whole day has gone to C-R-A-P... AND honey, if Sunday is crap.....Monday a bigger crapper....and TUESDAY, or as I refer to it as Terrible Tuesday comes.....The day, when you have decided to put the house on the market, pack up all your stuff, tell all of those that might have not looked at you the way you thought...and you instantly took it personal...yeah you want those to choke on a chicken bone, fill up the tank, and load up kids....cause we are leaving......MOM, where are we going? KIDS...we are outta here, we are leaving...starting over...where no one knows us, we don't have to answer any questions...and all this C-R-A-P can go away....that's usually when my kids look at me with that look of, " Maybe she does need that padded room with that cute white jacket that allows her to hug herself at that big building with the fancy gate that goes around all of the building.
So there ya go....that was what happens when you invite someone to on a mission trip......YOU will want to check yourself in to the padded room, ask for a smaller size in the cute white jacket that allows you to hug yourself, you will probably even know the dose of medication you need, you won't pack the house up, and you probably won't call your mom to tell them she needs to watch the kids while you are on your devil vacation, you will just drop them on the doorstep and peel out of the driveway....
So I say all this to say, a little more detailed warning of how the devil was going to attack would have been awesome. Through all of these times (Devil vacations) since Guatemala....God still shows up. Sometimes not when we think he should, because often times I think he might be too busy with someone else who invited one to many people to church, but he does show up....And sometimes we need people to remind us of this because we are too blind to let God remind us.
Today, I sat in the Weds 10:30 am service at church....its a service that is kinda referred to as the "senior service" because 95 percent of the people who attend are seniors...I started going back in the winter to this service mainly because it was a time I could go to church, dress casual, and not have to get 3 kids ready, threaten all their lives on the way to church about how to act, and not have to give the evil eye any during the service because they can't sit next to each other with out someone touching or hitting the other.....So I called it mommy just for mommy....well and a group of seniors. Because of several things, dr appts, Guatemala, the kids being out for summer, I haven't attended Weds morning service in a while.
I have been struggling with some major life decisions, you know the decisions you think you can handle on your own, don't talk to too many people, they will start judging (I mean I did just get back from a mission trip, I think I'm suppose to be perfect or something), and whatever you do don't really pray about it....I guess sometimes and I was reminded this morning by one of my best friends, that I forget he already knows....he knows how I am feeling, he knows whats going on in my heart, he knows my struggles, he knows my pain, he knows my desires, he knows where I am going before I do, and all I have to do is ask....and be patient...which is not by any means a strong trait I carry...I feel God needs to get him a Iphone ASAP, and sent me a text, an email, maybe get on skype, put it in his Facebook status....HEY maybe he could even blog it....but gheezzz don't make me be patient...
During these life changes, I have realized one common issue I have.....I am too worried about what everyone else will think about me...It sounds so high school, so stupid....I tell my kids, who cares what they say or think...or think for yourselves....YET...I can't even get dressed without worrying what people are going to think, much less make a mistake...or be human. So I feel if I just give and do for all they will all be happy, and people will think I'm a good person?????
This morning Sean said, Road maps are good to have, but if you start depending to much on the map....your going to get lost... And then he spoke about checklist.....CHECKLIST....WHO HAS CHECKLIST???? oh wait he said even those we have in our head.....Ok, I have a few...and then he said...Go through the list, while you are out doing all these things....are you bring glory to God for them...If not, its a waste....So if your doing them so others with think differently of you, and not giving God all the glory then someday judgement will come, so with that, don't judge others because they are different, or because they aren't in church in the exact times when you are, because only God knows are hearts......
I am glad God knows my heart, I am glad I was reminded of that. I am thankful that God showed up on time today, I am hopeful because I know God is going to carry me through this storm in my life, I am getting stronger....I am finding more faith....but there are days when that faith is tested to the very end....but I must remember God will show up in time...After church I was sitting in my car in the garage....I was still tearful from hearing the message this morning...I had my phone in my hand, and I went to Itunes, and was looking at a Christian bands song list, I accidentally hit the purchase button...usually it ask for my password did not....3 minutes later, my best friend Josh sent me a text and it said download this song called "stories" by Addison Road...ok was the same band I was looking at their songs and had just accidentally purchased a song called...Change in the making....I looked but couldn't see a song called I text back and said...there isn't one called "stories" but that is the title of one of their albums, he said hold on....let me look it up again....In the mean time I started listening to my new purchase.....hmmm not I sent him a text saying..."there song, Change in the making is pretty good"....two seconds later...he said....that's it....that's the song I wanted you to hear......God MOMENT....I think yes....I had "accidentally" downloaded the very song.... after we both said....ohhh weird....I went back and listened to the words of this song....this song is me....
I AM A CHANGE IN THE MAKING...................

Change in the Making, by Addison Road

There is a better version of me
That I can't quite see
But things are gonna change
Right now I'm a total mess and
Right now I'm completely incomplete
But things are gonna change
Cause you're not through with me yet

This is my redemption's story
With every step that I'm taking
Every day, you're chipping away
What I don't need
This is me under construction
This is my pride being broken
And everyday I'm closer to who I'm meant to be
I'm a change in the making

Wish I could live more patiently
Wish I could give a little more of me
Without stopping to think twice
Wish I had faith like a little child
Wish I could walk a single mile
Without tripping on my own feet
But you're not through with me yet

And this is redemption's story
with every step that I'm taking
And everyday, you're chipping away
What I don't need
This is me under construction
This is my pride being broken
Everyday I'm closer to who I'm meant to be

From the dawn of history
You make new and you redeem
From a broken world to a broken heart
You finish what you start in everything
Like a river rolls into the sea
We're not who we're going to be
But things are going to change

I'm living redemption's story
With every step that I'm taking
And everyday, your chipping away
What I don't need
And this is me under construction
This is my pride being broken
And every day I'm closer to who I'm meant to be
I'm a change in the making

I'm not who I'm gonna be
Moving closer to your glory.....

SOOOO in the meantime...I'm under construction...and I will continue to put my eyes upon him though there are days it is hard to have hope and faith....And I will continue to turn to him with my fears, burdens, sadness, loneliness, shame, and heartache.....and when he is through with me, I know I'm gonna be praising him, for all the times he showed up at the right time....

Please continue to pray for Guatemala, and those babies that have touched us so much...We have an opportunity to go back in December, there are several of us that have expressed interest in this amazing time to be the hands and feet of God.....Kaley at age 12 has expressed an interest in going, and I know God would use her in a mighty way. I spoke with her this morning and she is scared beyond belief of needles, I told her this morning that she would have to get shots in order to go....Her response was....well lets hurry and get them over with and get to Guatemala....SO please pray for her, that God will prepare both of our hearts for the possibility of doing this journey together.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

God picked me and 15 other warriors

I am not sure how I got so lucky to go on this journey. I am not sure why God chose me to be his hands and feet...ALL I know is I hope I didn't let him down, and I pray he continues to allow me to show love in his name. We left the mission house yesterday morning, and arrived at the airport around 10:15. Tears streamed down the faces of my brothers and sisters in Christ. There weren't may words spoken. Most of us felt the same way...Knowing we had to go home to Tennessee, but not sure how to walk away and leave part of your heart.
We made it through security and immigrations and lastly customs in Atlanta and on the other side of the customs baggage claim we started seeing several people of our church family. Our course Preacher man and Preacher lady were there, and several other family members of the team.
As we loaded the bus to head home we were greeted by 25ish senior citizens watching a Gaithers video. They had spent the day shopping and then came and picked us up. Most of us sat towards the back of the bus. At this point although I didn't really want to be back on US soil, reality that I HAD to come home had hit me...SO I was just in the get me home mode....
Most of us slept a good majority of the way home and towards the end of the trip we were woken up by Mr. Chatterbox, and we quickly realized we were all exhausted, because we hit that point where you just laugh for no reason!!! We all needed this time...a time to bond, a time to smile again, and for me it was a time of connection. SURE we went to church with these people, but it was then that each team member went through my head, and how much I loved each and everyone of them and what little things I would remember about them.
First lets start with Bobby Watson....I have decided that since my grandfather is no longer with me, that I am going to adopt Bobby as my grandpa....I haven't officially ran this by him, but he always makes me smile...Several times in planning this trip, I would be having a horrible day, and the phone would ring, and it was Bobby....always brought a smile to my face....I will refer to him as the Grandpa Angel....
Then Susie Watson, like Bobby...she is your all around stero-typical grandma....She spoils her grandson completely rotten and makes one heck of a chicken casserole!! I was so proud of her when she was determined to get down to the construction site, and before I knew it, she had found a new pathway away from the hard terrain that her knees could handle. She a trooper!!

Then we have John Grigsby, I will forever have a special place in my heart for Mr. John. He prayed with Keegan when he was saved at Bible school in the summer of 2010. That alone makes him special. I always though he was awesome but seeing him interact with the children and really get to their level to show the love of Jesus is a beautiful thing to witness.....YES even his dance moves is a semi-beautiful thing to watch, because he is dancing for Jesus. John got sick on the trip, with a fever and belly ache. He affected the whole team. He is a leader and mentor to so many, and I noticed when he hurt, we all hurt...Thank goodness a strong dose of Motrin and lots of prayers, helped John push through the illness and all the glory to God for that. Mr. John.....I love ya brother...and don't forget your blood pressure meds and thanks for keeping me supplied on Ginger to keep the motion sickness under control

Ok, Mr Tim Knight....He was one of two people that would make me cry like a baby seeing them cry. This started before we even left the trip. I have really grown to love Tim for his love and dedication to God. He is incredibly knowledgeable and not only is he our Sunday school teacher but he got to be one of the 16. He expressed his sincere concern over a skin medical condition he has and was scared he would scare the children...the first day we were there, there was someone in the medical clinic in Guatemala with the same condition..Thank you God for calming his fears and letting him be the light to another going through the same. Watching Tim paint faces and play soccer was so awesome, and seeing a grown man's heart break for the people of Guatemala was heart-breaking. I got to REALLY wash my first set of little feet with Tim...a memory I will treasure forever, especially after I got to put a pair of Alexander's shoes on him....Tim you rock!!

OK, Mullins family...First, Jason...As I mentioned before, after a scary incident upon arrival in Guatemala and Josh and I getting stuck in customs and bags gone through, we were separated from the group, and after we ventured around in the airport of a strange country when we walked out the doors, Jason's face was the first I saw....Seeing him, instantly calmed my fears. I almost look at Jason as a father figure, even though we are close in age, maybe because his children were on the trip so I always saw him in that role, but either way...I felt he was one of the protectors on this trip...He new enough Spanish to help ease our fears. He made us a great Italian meal while we were there, and just when you think he is quiet, he will send you laughing with a comment under his breath.
So next Miss Sheila, one of my angel sisters. I will admit that when I started Graveston I was unsure about Sheila, she was so bubbly and outgoing and well I just wasn't really know why...she truly LOVES GOD and truly love people, over the past 8 months she has become an angel to me. She is a true woman of God, and looks to his word and helps lead others to him. In the past few months we have grown even closer, and then our experience in Guatemala will have us bonded forever..We cried together, laughed alot together, cried some more, faced fears and unknowns together....Sheila...I love you my angel friend.
David and Jada, I hope they realize what good kids they are, their parents are raising them to love the Lord with all their hearts and serve him to glorify his kingdom. Not many children at that age, take a leap of faith and love others and share his word like these two kids. Watching Jada love on those babies was like seeing a mini Sheila, and David never missed an opportunity to share Gods word...Sheila and Jason should be so proud of the children they are raising....

Morgan Watson, he made me a nervous wreck...on the way down...nothing like having the preacher's wife texting you and telling you to watch after her baby, and making sure you were ok...if was like having my own child, and when he got stopped in security for having too much liquid in his suitcase, my motherly instincts almost kicked in, thank goodness Papaw Watson was there, so I just watched from afar... first of all your crazy...and I don't see how in the world your mother keeps your belly full. I have never seen a 14 year old boy eat so much in my life...No wonder Michelle is so small!!! You are another young man who is making God smile, I definitely relied on Morgan while the guys were building a house, he helped me paint faces of the children running around during construction....You would go fetch me things here and there so we could continue to entertain them...and even though you are MUCH younger, you played the big brother role during that time...Love ya buddy....even if you feet smell like something awful...

Anthony Bull, was probably one of the people I knew the least about prior to this trip... the weird part..I feel we have a connection but never really took the time to get to know him. Anthony and I were baptized on the same day...I went first because I was so nervous and then I turned around and Anthony was right behind me. The first morning we were in Guatemala, around 6:30 AM, as the girls were all getting ready, we heard a rooster was the loudest Rooster I have ever heard!! Brandy started laughing and that's not a rooster, that's Anthony....NO CRAP....this guy sounds just like a rooster...and its loud and he spent the rest of the week crowing on demand, and the children in the feeding center loved it....on the first day he did his rooster crow and was chased down by a dog....several of the others that saw it, said it was the funniest thing they had ever seen....He has now earned the name of Rooster. He was the other person that would bring me to tears. Anthony is 23 years old, was in the Navy and just appears to be one to not cry. He cried several times, two times after we built a stove and once on the way to the feeding center on the last day....Guatemala can touch even the toughest...Anthony was a number one hit by the boys, he has high energy and isn't afraid to act silly with them. He was amazing with them, and I am sure they would love to have Rooster come back.

Miss Brandy, (girlfriend of Rooster) I also didn't know her very well prior to this trip, I knew she was a nurse, and we shared concerns for fashion prior to the trip, like are you gonna take these shorts or what are you gonna wear for this or that? Brandy is a beautiful girl with a sweet heart and you gotta love her southern accent. She was the first to scream over a bug, and detect ever inch of the mission house for yucky stuff...yep she was more of a girl than me. What blew me away about her, was yes she was girly...but she worked everyday in the medical clinic...I watched her touch things that would have creeped anyone out, I watched her carry urine in a baggie to test it for infection. On the second to last day, we found a boy outside of the feeding center and we both agreed the little boy had a belly full of worms or parasites. To say the least he was NASTY...but he ended up being a little boy I will be sponsoring....He was only 4, but is the size of Alexander...and he would look at you and say....QUE PASAAAAAAA which means "what's up" and all you saw were teeth...and smile. I saw Brandy in all her cuteness pick up this dirty child and carry him into see the doctor..and when the doctor was busy and couldn't see him right away, she held on to him, and danced and tickled him to keep him as entertained as possible so that she could keep him happily there to see the doctor....Made my heart smile....I love you girl...I am so glad I have gotten to know you better...

Hayley love love this girl...didn't know really anything about her prior to this trip, and I have grown to absolutely adore her. Her and I got to be girl buddies while we were building the first stove...We had to stick together, and I found that her and I wanted to get out there and get dirty and experience it all. I didn't see Hayley cry much though...I was kinda surprised that her being a female was able to contain tears...or maybe I am just a cry baby. On one of the last days...we were saying some goodbyes in the feeding center...and Hayley and I made eye contact...her eyes were filled with tears...she walked towards me and we sat and hugged and cried together...She kept saying "I don't want to say goodbye, and I don't want to leave" If broke my heart....there is just something about Hayley...she has such a sweet spirit and in someways we are a lot alike...I found our fears and frustrations to be the same, and we got to share lots of laughs...Miss Hayley...I feel we have a friendship that is going to continue to blossom from this experience...I love ya girl!!!

Gina Clarke....OH remind me so much of my kept me laughing inside, because you get frazzled just like my mother....your heart is sensitive and you are always willing to help out in what ever needs to be done. Gina and I had a time to talk, and she encouraged me to stay close to God...we have similar pasts, and she shared her heart and I shared mine. She commented that I seemed truly happy and to stay on that path. To keep focused on God and don't turn around and question your instincts to get away from difficult life situations....I love her for sharing her heart and knowledge with me. I am proud of her, this trip was physically draining and she was a trooper.

Ok...Scott McCormick....He is my brother...not really but we have lived across the street from each other for 10 years, we have worked together, and fought like brother and sister and laughed and cried together. I have known you the longest of all of the people on this trip...I always knew you would be the big brother on the trip...You dressed like a tourist the whole time and dove right into trying all of the local stepped up to the plate and did the medical clinic the whole week. We didn't get to do much together except when I worked in the medical clinic one morning with you...I am proud of you for taking a step with God and following what you were called to do....Love ya brother... to one of my bestest friends.....Mr. Josh...We have been on a countdown for this trip for months, we have thought about how every minute might be, and in most cases, what we worried about ended up working out and for the most part was perfect. You were my rock through out the entire trip, from the assurance before we left, to leaving room in your suitcase for all the stuff that wouldn't fit into my suitcase, to buying us cool backpacks, helping load suitcases, holding my hand during my small airplane freak outs, to assuring me you would dig me a hole in the ground if I had to go potty, to capturing moments on camera, loading all my shopping purchases in your backpack and carrying them all day, making sure I had something to eat when I was hungry, or better just catering to any small need, like needing a drink, making sure I ate breakfast, reminding me where I put my camera, or asking if I had taken Dramamine for the bus rides.....
You prayed with me, and your prayed for others, you wiped my tears and comforted my heart....Our passion is the same...we want to serve...we want to love...and we want to give God the glory...
Some of my "awww" moments this week...watching you paint a little girls nails, watching you play baseball with the boys, once we were headed for the bus, I turned around and your weren't were over handing a bible to an old man who would watch us load the bus almost everyday, you stepped out of your comfort zone and did the dedication on the house our team build, as we were stopped on the side of the road waiting for Mike Parker, we all spotted a family, we all started throwing candy...YOU stood up, grabbed the candy we had bought for the children, walked off the bus and went face to face with the children and their parents and placed the candy in their hand, as we were saying goodbye to Evelyn and her family...I asked if you would took the lead and prayed with a family in the middle of the street... Back at the compound, there was a cross that we were leaving at the mission house..We asked if we would like to pray over the cross and pray for those special people that had touched our hearts....After the crowd broke and I sat there....tears flowing from both of us, you reached over grabbed my hand, picked up the cross walked me outside and took me to the courtyard, where you held me as I sobbed and held the cross between us, and prayed for the children of Guatemala and specifically Evelyn and her family....You waited til I gathered myself and was ready before we walked back assured me on the way home....we would go back.....
I love you JAC..... volcano and back......GODSPEED

I love each and everyone one of these special people....

Friday July 29th.....Last full day

Last full day in Guatemala was once again filled with a huge range of emotions. That seems to be common statement over the entire trip. Just like I had first assumed, I have a feeling of, "How can we just leave"? These people have become a part of us, and us apart of them. We started the day off with a long bus ride to the village, we had several stops along the way including dropping of the medical team.
Once we arrived at the feeding center, we were blessed by some photos that the director of the center had put up on the wall. She explained that this feeding center had always been a dream of hers, and until 3 weeks ago, she would educate and feed children in her own home. Because her husbands income did not cover the cost of taking in children off the streets, she was going to be forced to no longer feed the hungry little bellies in which we had loved on all week. I can't imagine one of these beautiful babies going hungry.
The group divided once again and several people left to go build stoves and a handful of us stayed to set up a store for the children to shop in. After the children had lunch they were allowed to come into the store we made up and shop for items that they may want or need. I watched their faces closely as they picked up items and placed them in their bag. For most girls it consisted of: a toothbrush, soap, a few ponytail holders, a lip gloss, nail polish, a pair or two of socks, underwear, hopefully a pair of shoes if we had some that fit, and then they got to go into the dress and t-shirt room. There we placed dresses made by Crafters for Christ, a group of women from Graveston that met every Thursday morning and made pillowcase dresses. They were so excited to spin around in their new dresses. The boys got t-shirts and I tried the best I could to give them all a Graveston CrossTrain t-shirt. I thought of Kandy Holt as I saw the T-shirts that morning and thought, there is no bigger angel on earth than Kandy Holt...and if she was here she would be loving on these babies with every ounce of love in her heart.
First, let me tell you that after we took picture of all the children we confirmed that the correct name for the sweet baby girl that stole my heart is Evelyn pronounced EVER-LEE. I was glad to clear that up....anyways, her mom asked Josh and I the day before if we would come to her home. I was able to get Jaden, Mike Parkelers son to translate for me while I sat down and got to know more about Evelyn and her family. Her mom is 22, and her father is 27. She has a little sister who is 2, and they live with Evelyn's moms brother and her fathers sister. She explained that they don't own or have a home, and that they live in the trees. I am not sure exactly what that means but from what I have seen, if the conditions are less than what I have seen then they really do live in trees. Both Evelyn and her sister Josphine were born at home. When Evelyn's little sister was 5 months old, she fell into a well....according to the translator, it was "2 meters". She said "only because of God is my baby alive". AMEN!!! I guess the baby was crawling and went head first on her head, I asked if she had gone to the hospital, and her response was yes, but they never did any testing to really make sure if the baby was ok. In Guatemala if you have to go into the hospital for sickness or surgery, you have to pay the bill before leaving the hospital or armed guards come to your hospital room.
After an overly emotional goodbye to the children and mothers, we noticed that Evelyn's mom was there and her dad was looking through the window at us smiling. Soon after that Jayden came and asked if we were still going to Evelyn's house, and we said of course, grabbed Jason, Sheila, and Jada Mullins, our backpacks and took off walking with this family. Five minutes into the walk, someone asked how far their house was, and the response.....20 minutes!! This woman walks 20 mins several times a day with a 2 & 3 year old just so that her baby can be fed. Unfortunately the team was waiting for us and we had to tell them that we could not go to their house. I felt awful, we asked with the help of a translator why they wanted for us to come to their house, the response was, "Evelyn want you to see where she lives". After talking with Mike Parker, he told us that her parents probably heard we were building houses and were trying to see if we would help them with a house. A house in this village consist of a 12x12 room, made of scrap sheet metal and a tin roof...In the first home we put a stove in, the walls were bamboo. The floors are just dirt, no bathrooms, no running water, and no electricity. The house we did cost 300 dollars......300 DOLLARS!!!!
As we were standing in the middle of the cobble stone rode, we said our goodbyes to Evelyn and her family and I turned to my rock and asked Josh if we could pray with Evelyn and her family, of course he said yes...We cried some more and waved goodbye as we walked away. I connected with this child, I connected with his mother....She appears so graceful yet so hardworking and strong. Her mother was so beautiful and I could tell that is where Evelyn got her beautiful heart shaped face and big eyes, and heart melting smile. As we walked away and Sheila and I walked with are arms wrapped around each other, I felt Sheila and I grow as moms and as sisters in Christ. We did what we came to do, Love to the ends of the earth, that was the easy part, walking away was the hard part. We knew what it was like...We are moms, we love Evelyn like she is ours, its unexplainable to a person who doesn't love a child.
We walked back down to the feeding center to grab our backpacks and say Goodbye to AnnaLeese, and Josh and I got an opportunity to explain to her how the High Five for Jesus thing got started....We didn't mention the part that Josh started it, because I was a little moody or down at church one day, and he was being a goof.....yeah we skipped that part!! AnnaLeese, looked at me and in her attempt to speak English, she said to me....."you are like me are sensitive like me...we cry easy, but we don't like it when people see us cry, but you love these children." Thats when all I knew to do was hug her, and say, I PROMISE, I WILL BE BACK, and yes, I love these children. As we walked away, an emptiness filled my something had been stripped from my arms. Sheila, Jason, Josh and I walked towards the bus and we all mentioned that for the first time all week, we hoped not to see one more dark set of eyes peek out from behind a door, our hearts simply could not stand that look of despair anymore....We just wanted to get to the bus where we could hide our face, climb up in our Father's arms and cry....and that most of us did.
After boarding the bus and doing our normal Graveston head count, we were informed that we were truly going to be able to go back to Antigua and shop for a little bit. As we drove, we all discussed collecting a love offering for the bus Ninja, I mean he did drive us everyday and turn a bus though a village only big enough to get a matchbox car through...yeah sure we hit a little white truck not once but two different times (you would think the owner would quite parking in the same place) and back into a work truck....but this man needs to be hired as BUS DRIVER NINJA of the universe....As we collected and made a left turn we heard a BAM and a SHHHHH sound.....DANG IT, we hoped a curb took our a small pole and blew a tire....stopped traffic....the great part....a flat tire doesn't slow down the bus Ninja....those back tires actually have two tires, and gheez who needs two tires anyways....All we need is one to get back over the mountain to the compound...REMEMBER Emily......this is a trust God trip!!!
We got one hour in the market in Antigua and "aint no one gonna put me to shame at shopping" Josh decided to hand out what was left of our candy and sillybands to the children in the market, ummm he got swarmed by children!! He finally got it put away, as I was looking at some cool wooden flute like instruments that I thought would be cool for Kaley and Keegan...Then the lady behind the counter started asking for candy in Spanish....then it hit me, she wanted candy and I wanted flutes.....30 seconds later we were bartering and I walked away with two flutes and she walked away with a baggie of smarties and silly band and plastic dinosaurs.....SCORE ONE FOR THE PROFESSIONAL SHOPPER!!!!
Back at the mission house we enjoyed good ole fashion Domino's how fabulous it was, we spent the rest of the evening packing our bags, sharing stories and reflecting over God's perfect plan for our trip to Guatemala.....What an amazing week!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


After a day like today, my heart is here. I have cried off and on all day. My heart is here, and the thought of going home makes my eyes fill with tears just writing this. I miss my family and can't wait to show them all my pictures and tell all the stories, but I want to stay....I really really really want to stay. This country in such poverty and filth can warm and touch your heart like no other experience.
Once again, my bus ride consisted of staring our the window trying to breath in Guatemala...every single ounce I could hold. This is such a beautiful country...SO green and rich is GOD's amazing beauty. I fought back tears the whole way into the village. Once again we got to throw candy as went entered through Antigua.
When we finally got through the village to are bus stopping point...which today consisted off a bit of a walk, since there were several men mixing concrete right in the middle of the road. We call our bus driver the bus NINJA....We are going to have shirts made when we get back that say, "I survived the bus NINJA....THis man can drive a bus through the one lane streets with a 180 degree turn, and NO exageration leave 1/2 inch between the bus and the side of a building and make it look like he is driving a scooter.....
ANYWAYS...we were let off several blocks from the feeding center. The children in the village now know that the Americans are on the big school bus and greet us every morning now with toothless smiles and high fives....and HOLA's coming from everyone. Such a great Welcome in a community where we are so different.
Once at the feeding center we quickly broke into groups and I headed out to build another stove. In the house that our group built the stove, was a woman with a two year old boy, a baby, and a fifteen year old daughter. Her fifteen year old daughter also had a baby who looked to be about 10 months. That is just the culture down here..Women or girls become moms at a young age. We got to share the gospel with her and love on her and her babies. During both dedications of stoves, tears just stream my face, watching those strong courageous women get these stoves, and watch their gratitude is clearly one of God's smiling times.
Then it was bible school time, I made sure I video taped the singing during VBS, which again, everytime brings me to tears....It doesn't matter what country your in, or what language you speak, praising GOD is always awesome, and these children are so passionate when they sing. You see a sweet innocent love for the Lord. After they sang, we got to share the love of Jesus and 17 children and 2 adults accepted Jesus in their heart. Hearing the voices of these precious children pray for salvations.....WELL there is no words for it...only happy tears.
I got to see my sweet baby girl today, and after getting her in my arms, five minutes later she was asleep....I held her through the entire block party. It started to rain, and after my legs were getting tired, I sat down and cradled her in my arms....YEP YEP YEP....LOTS and LOTS of tears. Again, you can't imagine looking at a child who comes from nothing and see her smile the brightest most beautiful smile you could ever imagine, and then knowing that this child whom has only known you for 4 days, feels peace and security enough to sleep...AGAIN...a wow moment, and well not a (moment) more like a feeling that is continuing....I don't think I can leave....I am has crossed my mind several times to go home, get the kids passports and come back. I want to serve God, I want to be his hands and feet. I want my children to be his hands and feet and have a passion to serve. I want everyone I come in contact with to feel God's love pour out of me and thus in return encourage them to do the same...
So I held Analee for and hour at least, and then her mom came....It was time to hand her over, her mom came up to me and saw her sleeping in my arms and smiled.....(OHHH I forgot) I saw Analee's mom earlier in the day and introduced myself and so did Josh. Josh and I had already made her and her younger sister, mom and dad a bag up with sock and underwear, shirts, tooth brushes, and a special bottle of fingernail polish...That was the reason I got the first smile from her...She looked at my fingernails and smiled big, and then sat and held my hands while she looked at my nails....So with the help of a translator, I told her Mom, We have a bag of stuff for you because, your daughter has stole my heart with her smile, I told her I will always pray for her and to promise me one thing....Keep her fingernails polished in hopes she won't forget me.....
Ok, back to her there to pick her up....I handed her over and she cried for a few seconds until she realized she was safe in her momma's arms. Her mom thanked me for loving on her, and as she carried her around, I cried. I packed up my bags to get back on the bus, and as I was leaving I noticed Analee, her sister, mom and aunt sitting outside the door of the feeding program. I grabbed a translator and approached her mom...I had questions...I wanted to know more about Analee and her family.....Her mom is 22, and her dad is 27. She has a 2 year old sister and her dads sister lives with them. Her younger sister fell down a well when she was 5 months old and her mom was quick to tell me that God is the only reason she is alive after that accident. Both Analee and her sister were born at their house...From what I understood, they don't have a house, but live in the trees....AND then, she invited Josh and I to her home. I was so sad that it was time to leave, but asked her if we could go to her home tomorrow. I was just told by Mike Parker that they are probably just wanting us to look at where they live, because they have heard we are building houses. He said, if I go that I need to take a few people with me. We spoke some of the culture and as we were driving away Analee and her sister were waving Goodbye and blowing kisses....OK tears are coming again.....
We are getting ready to start devotions....I gotta you guys!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday July 27

Today has been another day of emotions. This morning on the way to San Antonio Calliente, I plugged into the ole iPod and sat back and soaked in as much of Guatemala that I possibly can. As I listen to the song, "A miracle today" I struggled. What Guatemala needs is a miracle!! I am worried that when I go home that I will forget, I will forget the feeling I get as we drive through the villages and see things I could never imagine. That we won't be able to truly tell our love ones what this place is like. I don't want to forget one single itty bitty thing about this trip, the good, the bad, the ugly, the smelly!!! How could the people here live in these conditions and still be so happy!! Maybe they are just happy around us? We drive through the villages and throw candy out the bus windows, watching the smiles on their faces as they open one small pack of sweet tarts, put on one silly band, or get a Christmas pencil. How dare we complain about anything!! I went to the construction site today, when we arrived there was a team from Michigan already there. There was 2 guys and 2 girls! I was the only female from our team that went to construction. These girls were hardcore, pretty, but you could tell this wasn't there first rodeo. I still don't know the difference between screwdrivers... Just tell me if it has the cissycrossy thing or the flat one. As soon as we arrived Tim had quickly spotted a child in need of shoes!! We packed 6 pairs of shoes between 2 backpacks!! We had a pair to fit him. He was 3 years old, sweet little face, but had tears running down them and a runny nose. His feet had weeks worth of dirt on them and it was almost permeant between his toes. Tim and I got the experience of washing his feet with wet wipes and we placed a pair of Alexander's sandals on him.... Wow... They fit, thank you Jesus!!!
After putting his shoes on, him and some other children wondered up the hillside and sat with some women. I assumed they didn't want to be bothered. So I decided I was gonna help build a house, the only problem was... I just couldnt get in... Between the other team and our 3 guys, I quickly felt out of place. Mike Parker yelled down the hill that there was pieces of tin that needed to be brought down... Oh oh oh, I surely can do that!! So I hiked to the top of the hill, and went to pick up the tin and Mike said, Umm you can't carry that... That's when it took all I had in me to not say, EXCUUUSSEE Me... Did you not see me carry cement bricks yesterday? Are you saying since I'm a girl I can't do anything? About that time, Jason Mullins came around the corner, picked up tin and sliced his finger. So slightly pouted up I walked back down the hill, got to where the "professional bob the builder team" was working and was so frustrated that tears began to fall.... Ok God, I have stepped out, my eyes are on you, you've brought me completely outta of my comfort zone and into a foreign country and I WANNA BUILD A HOUSE!!! After a few minutes of tears, God gave me the kick in the booty as while I was wiping a tear, I looked up on the hill side to see 3 women and 7 children, watching as "Bob & the gang" worked. That's when God said, Hey crybaby whinny pants.... There is a whole group of people you could be loving on. I grabbed my fingernail polish and said it myself... If I can't play that game, I will start my own... Thank you God for your kicks...I grabbed my backpack,and I got to paint the fingernails of 12 women and little girls, Morgan Watson and I painted all their faces. I packed little princess dolls and each little girl got one, I looked in my backpack as saw the ziplock bag of plastic dinosaurs that Keegan had helped me pack, each little boy got one. Everyone got pencils, silly bands, candy, and we put all the shoes we had on little feet. That was why I was there!!! I wasn't suppose to carry tin or used a big power tool, God sent me there to love on the family. They were there to remind me, it's not what Emily wants to do, it's what God wants Emily to do...after that
We headed to bible school where we realized that our craft people weren't at bible school to do the craft and we had no soccer ball and our suitcase with our costumes for the skit was missing in action... Thank goodness my God is so much bigger... On the back of the bus, we found hula hoops, a plastic bat, and a plastic bowling ball set. After we made it throughout the skit, we used what we had and came up with a good ole fashion East Tennessee redneck relay race, and guess what??? They loved it!!
I got to see and love on the sweet girl my heart has attached itself to, even though Bobby Watson is extremely fond of her too. ( I think he is winning her heart more than me) he just is a big ole cuddley papaw...I have told him I'd like to let him adopt me as his grandchild.
After bible school, we headed back to the feeding center to pick up the rest of the team. I got to meet my sweet little girls aunt and mom. I have been eager all week to know if she had a momma. Her mom looks very young, and had another baby on her hip. She was very attentive to Analee, as we were getting ready to leave I noticed a young man walk into the feeding center. I quickly attempted some Spanish and asked her mom if that was her dad.. She smiled and shook her head yes. Then that sweet little girl jumped up in her daddy's arms. She was so happy... All of them... Smiles and giggles! Wow, I had expected such a different senerio, yet they were a sweet happy looking family!
We headed back to the mission house and after checking some emails and hanging out a while I realized the devil was coming at me with both guns blazing. I have spent most of this evening worried about my babies back home, and
dreading walking away from these babies. I know my family is back home, but my heart is here... With these strong, incredible women, and these innocent sweet children. So how do I walk away? We only have 2 days and I want to freeze time. I want to keep experiencing being the hands and feet of Jesus.. Continue to pray for this team. We are physically tired and emotions are high.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday July 26th

Today, I woke up to another beautiful morning in Guatemala!! We started off with breakfast made by Mrs. Susie, then took our hour ride to the village. I started my day off by seeing patients in the medical clinic. Lots of stomach issues, and symptoms of what American's would call allergies. I got to see a 47 year old woman who has NEVER seen a doctor, and here she sits in front of me, relying on me to solve her medical problems... Wow God thanks for your confidence in me!! What a different way of practicing medicine... I had a translator, his name is Pablo, he appears to be in his early twenties...he is very funny, I have changed his name to "petro" and he makes fun of Justin Beiber all the time...we were quite the team!! Around 12:15, Josh made his rounds announcing it was lunch time... I walked out of the room we were seeing patients in and saw Tim Knight painting faces, I quickly found a spot next to him and grabbed a paint brush!! I forgot to eat lunch and at one point, Josh opened a granola bar, put it in front of my mouth and said, "BITE"...looking at those faces seem much more fun than lunch!! After I was done painting faces, I was eager to actually do what some of the others had done and walk the streets! So Josh and I grabbed our backpacks and off through the streets we went!! We handed out tracks and Spanish bibles, attempted to speak Spanish to the locals, and of course I found some sweet little girls along the way. There is nothing more heart warming than placing a silly band on a child's wrist or a plastic ring or handing them a piece of candy and seeing their faces light up!! We encountered an old woman with no teeth who came up and wrapped her arms around both of us and began speaking in super warp speed Spanish, we tried to tell her we did not speak Spanish and then she just spoke faster!!!
We headed back to the feeding center and I found my sweet little girl. Yesterday my hair was in a ponytail, today it was down, I kneeled down to greet her and when I said Hola, she looked at me with a little smile as though she didn't remember me.... But then she looked at my hands, and remembered my fingernails, ( what first caught her attentionthe day before). Her smile grew a little more, but I was still not sure she remembered me, (again, she's only three years old) but then Josh came to my rescue... He walked up behind me, this little girl looked at me, looked at Josh, and immediately her huge huge huge smile that I fell in love with came across her sweet little brown face... She remembered Josh and I swinging her the day before. It was time to head to bible school so I picked her up and carried her up to the bus and off we went.
When we arrived, John asked if we wanted to go build a rocket stove...... OF COURSE!!! So John, Anthony, Josh, Brandy, and I hopped in the back of mike parkers truck and off we went on a very bouncy ride to the factory where the stoves are actually made. On our way to the house we stopped and picked up Mark(he us from Atlanta). Once we got him we went to build a stove in a woman's house made of bamboo and a tin roof. She is a widow with four children.. I ended up buying a table runner from her. Something I will cherish forever... Ooops gotta go!! I'll write later!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 has been amazing to say the least. We started off with an hour bus ride into a village...We rode around small roads until all of a sudden the bus stopped and we all looked at each other and said "I guess this is where we are getting off"
We walked a few blocks down to the feeding center...To say the least it was disgusting. There were no table or chairs, there was a dirt floor where some of the guys tried to teach the boys how to play baseball. Josh and I brought our saying of "HIGH FIVE FOR JESUS" to Guatemala. Mike Parker said that some of the walls needed a little brightening up, so Josh and I grabbed the paint and went to work. We painted a huge hand on the wall, and realized that High Five for Jesus doesn't translate exactly, so we had to write Give me five for Jesus. It was lots of fun, and at the end, we put both of our hand prints on it, and signed and dated it.
After I got to love on some cute kids, paint little girls fingernails, and watch these amazingly strong women carry their babies around while they prepared food for all of these children. I think we had around 38 children today, and the medical clinic had a constant line of people waiting.
Then we took a 10 minute bus ride to a park, with all of the children and started bible school. It brought a tear to my eye watching the children sing, and praise!!! No matter where we are, God is there, and God is good!!! We danced and sang with these sweet babies, then the guys took all the boys to play soccer. They got their booty whooped to say the least. I got to stay with the little girls, make necklaces, give our plastic rings, and took lots of pictures. I have found a little girl that I already want to bring home. I am fighting Bobby Watson for her...She is 3 and from what I understand her to say, her name is Amalee...When she says it, it almost sounds like she is saying Emily....I think that means I am the winner of the battle....Josh and I walked back with her from bible school back to the bus and she walked between us, holding both of our hands...We counted uno, dos, tres...and swung her in the air...she giggled and hearing her giggle won my heart....I can't wait to see her beautiful smiling face tomorrow.
We are back at the house, and getting ready to dive into a good ole fashion hamburger made by Susie Watson...Then at some point, a shower would be awesome, and I would love to walk out of our house in the front area, and walk the "neighborhood". This is the first evening we have seen daylight during the evening. Oh it gets dark here by 6:45pm, which is weird, but its daylight by 6:00AM.
Our group continues to bond and there is a family like togetherness. I don't feel we have come as close to the other group as I had originally thought, but its still early in the trip. I have only seen a few personality conflicts...but emotions are high, and the devil is on us...but we are armed...with super duper water guns...
WOW...we just had an earthquake...Its 6:20pm currently....kinda a weird thought, since our house sits on the edge of a cliff...We will be fine....Dinner is ready...and others want the computer...
Keep praying for our team and the hearts of Guatemala.